Blueprint for Action for Equitable K–12 Science Education in California
Edited by CAPMSE and authored in collaboration with statewide science educator leaders and advocates, the Blueprint identifies five priorities for enacting equitable science education in California
CAPMSE’s statewide communities of practice have worked since 2015 to develop a shared vision for high-quality math and science instruction, applying an equity lens to sharpen their understanding of what’s required to achieve that vision and to deepen their capacity to support effective instruction.
R&D Alert: The Value of Statewide Communities-of-Practice in Math & Science
A brief about the efforts and impact of CAPSME’s Math and Science communities
The Fostering Standards Implementation Program (FSIP)- CAPMSE’s resource development initiative - aims to reduce the variability in and build statewide capacity for mathematics and science standards implementation. This paper explores four of the resources developed by FSIP in 2019.
This report provides examples of strategies used by the rural regions participating in CAPMSE’s two statewide communities of practice to strengthen access to quality teaching and learning in math and science while building leadership capacity.
A spotlight report on noteworthy practices stemming from CAPMSE’s regional improvement initiative designed to strengthen local capacity and improve teaching and learning outcomes in math and science.
Perspectives on California’s Statewide Math and Science Communities of Practice
A retrospective on the early years of CAPMSE.
Region 8 Transforms Science Teaching and Learning Through CAPMSE
A spotlight on the efforts of CAPMSE’s Region 8 science team to strengthen cross-county access to quality NGSS instruction through professional learning and collaboration.
Partnership Brings Student Voice and Choice to Marin County
A spotlight on how Marin County educators from CAPMSE’s math community of practice leveraged regional improvement iniative funds to focus on underserved students and create equity in the classroom.
Lessons Learned: Implementing Math and Science
A look at lessons learned from regional and county collaboration sponsored by CAPMSE’s first regional improvement initiative.