Statewide Science Community of Practice
“The Partnership has opened up new connections with key regional collaborators and experts allowing the development of an array of new professional learning opportunities and tools, such as the 3D Assessment Module. On a broader scale, it has amplified California Next Generation Science Standards implementation, while giving us a powerful opportunity to come together with a shared vision for the future.”
Current Community Happenings
A Blueprint for Action for Equitable Science Education: Initial Steps for Coordinated, Systemic Reform offers a starting point for systemic K–12 science education reform in California by identifying state-specific priorities for enacting equitable science education and providing a series of actions for implementation. The priorities recommend shifts in policy and practice, and were developed collectively by the science community of practice and a larger coalition of science educators and professional organizations who will work together in 2022 and beyond to ensure our K–12 system delivers high-quality, NGSS-aligned, culturally and linguistically responsive science learning experiences in equal measure to all students in our state. Read the Blueprint and email to get involved!
The Science Community of Practice (CoP) spent the fall of 2021 collaborating to answer the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s Call to Action for Science Education to realize a vision for equitable K-12 science education in California. In early October, a coalition of Science CoP leaders and other statewide science advocates convened at the Exploratorium to draft a blueprint for action in service to this vision. Click on the program to view links to the day’s materials.
In 2020-21, CAPMSE’s Science CoP partnered with the Exploratorium Teacher Institute to facilitate Realizing the NGSS Shifts in K-12 Distance, Hybrid, and In-Person Classrooms, a virtual professional learning series to support K-12 science educators to embody the instructional and pedagogical shifts necessary for authentic and meaningful NGSS classrooms in distance and in-person learning environments. Eleven teams of regional and county science leads, K-12 teachers, and district coaches and TOSAs collaborated to examine how to teach phenomena in distance settings and discuss widely applicable pedagogical strategies and resources for science and distance learning. Participating educators joined grade level and job-alike groups to plan for and implement their learning with students. For artifacts from the year-long series, see here and here
The Science CoP believes that supporting K-5 educators to teach science is a key lever for creating equitable and engaging learning experiences for all students. We launched the Fostering NGSS Implementation Protocol project to support K-5 teachers to integrate science with other content areas. Find the most recent updates to the protocol here, and descriptive slides, guidance and other examples of protocol application and enhancements here.
The Principals Supporting NGSS professional learning series comprises 5 modules designed to support site leaders with the implementation of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) to address the increasing urgency for administrators to embrace and support application of the science teaching and learning principles in the standards. The CA NGSS provide opportunities for all students to learn science and 21st century skills, helping them become college and career ready, and their successful implementation depends on the expertise and support of administrators.
In 2018, Science CoP members from the California Science Project, Galt Joint Unified School District, and the Ventura and Stanislaus County Offices of Education developed the CA NGSS 3D Assessment Implementation Modules website to provide K-12 teachers with assessment resources that support high-quality 3-dimensional learning for formative and summative purposes.
The Science CoP Regional and County Teams work tirelessly in support of science at local levels; for resources and a peek into the work of some of the community’s incredible team work, see Region 10’s Science Page and the San Diego County Office Science Resource Center
Science Community of Practice Sessions and Materials Overview: 2016-Present
Mitigating Science Learning Loss through Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP). In Spring 2021, the science community focused on building awareness and advocacy for science learning in California. In collaboration with partners from San Bernardino and Riverside counties, we hosted a two-part virtual series to share ways to take advantage of opportunities to leverage local funds and the LCAP for science learning in a post-pandemic world. Our partners at the CDE Foundation also shared their updated NGSS Communications & Implementation Toolkitsss to provide education stakeholders in California with ready-to-use and source materials to introduce and communicate the value and intention of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) and guide supporters in promoting the implementation of the CA NGSS. The work of our spring 2021 sessions served as the impetus for the October 2021 session we highlight on this page
Science CoP 2021 Virtual Sessions & Materials: 2020-21
Science CoP Sessions & Materials: 2016-2020